Independent adult woman with special needs washing dishing from her wheelchair

Life With Special Needs IS Complicated,

Your Home Shouldn’t Be.

Adult male with down syndrome sitting on his bed adjusting his tie. He is so proud of himself

Let’s clear the clutter & find peace in your home - Together!

…even if you have ADHD, autism, or another neurodiverse condition

that has kept you from simplifying your home and life in the past

Wendy speaking to adults with special needs

Current Reality . . .

Current Reality . . .

Traditional Decluttering Methods have failed:

There are never-ending cycles of clutter and chaos.

Doom piles of stuff feel overwhelming and paralyzing.

You feel suffocated and stuck.

Before picture of a cluttered walk-in closet


It doesn’t have to be that way. 

It’s possible for YOU to have a clutter free house you’re proud of. 


After picture of a cluttered walk-in closet

Especially if you’ve ever done any of the following…

🖐 Thrown plastic bags full of clutter into a closet because you had company coming over

🖐 Hoped watching episodes of Hoarders would motivate you

🖐 Tried following the Tidying Up method with Marie Kondo

🖐 Bought the containers suggested by organizing show like The Home Edit

🖐 Started decluttering & organizing and ran out of your home looks worse

You’ve tried it all, yet…

No results lasted longer than maybe a week, anyway.

It’s frustrating!

Lady with her hands covering her face in frustration

✅ You’ve read ALL the advice. 

✅ You’ve tried ALL the methods. 

✅ You’ve beat yourself up over every “failed attempt.” 

Lady sitting in front of her window with her head on her knees. She's confused and don't know what to do

You want a clutter free home,

but you need help.

Every nook & cranny is disorganized.

Finding your starting place feels impossible.  

Hiring help feels vulnerable.
What if they judge you? What if it doesn’t help? 

You’re this close to resigning yourself to the fact that your home will always be a disaster. 

It is NOT Your Fault. 

Here’s a little secret, friend-to-friend.

Traditional Decluttering Methods weren’t made for someone like you.

They simply don’t work when you’re dealing with (or caring for someone who has) special needs or neurodiversity like autism, ADHD, a traumatic brain injury (TBI), or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

A graphic showing 6 blue shaped people. In the middle is 1 person in a light green showing unique personality

They weren’t made for: 

Someone with your unique giftings

and personality

Graphic with a person in the middle and all sort of tasks around it

Your family’s needs and preferences taken into consideration

A graphic showing half brain half gear shift through a brain

The way you’re naturally wired to be

Cluttered garage

Half-finished projects, books, courses may feel like a failure but they’re not.

They weren’t made for you in the first place. 

Lady watching organizing shows and realizing in frustration that they don't for her

Watching organizing shows like

  • Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

  • Get Organized with The Home Edit

  • Even shopping at the Container Store

DOESN’T work for neurodiverse minds like ours.


You just need a way to declutter that works with your brain, NOT against it.

You may have clutter,

but clutter doesn’t have younot when you say yes to

The Decluttering Solution You’ve Been Looking For: 

Your Simplified Home 

the step-by-step decluttering plan designed for the special needs community to take home and life from overwhelmed to simplified 

Picture of me and the before and after pictures of the walk-in closet that reads I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say because of you I didn't give up

>> Let’s focus on 1 thing at a time.

>> Step-by-step, space by space.


We’ll work with your brain

>> We’ll do it YOUR way.

>> NOT the typical TV show’s way.


Because you’re unique

>> Let’s focus on what YOU can change.

>> We will figure it out - together!


You deserve support & accountability

You + The Simplified Home Program =

Finally Achieving Your Decluttering Goals


You don’t have to do it alone! 

A blue arrow pointing down to the section that says Meet Your Declutter Coach

Meet Your Declutter Coach

Hey friend 👋🏽

I’m Wendy, Your Declutter Coach,

and I’ve been where you are. 

Profile picture of Wendy

After losing my Nephew in 2015, the grief and trauma I walked through made my house fall to the wayside. I was working full time, exhausted, grieving, and burnt out. 

I became more and more numb, with less and less ambition to put things back together. I was diagnosed with depression, ADHD, as well PTSD and anxiety from my military service. 

I wanted to have my kitchen decluttered but didn’t know where to start. Every room was chaos.  Together with my therapist, I created simple frameworks that worked for a special needs brain with limited capacity and unique needs and desires… frameworks that can work for you too!

Your Simplified Home is more than just frameworks,

it’s what’s missing in all the other decluttering programs currently on the market. 

💙 This program is SUPPORTIVE. 

💙 This program is UNDERSTANDING

💙 This program is COMPASSIONATE. 

💙 This program is EMPOWERING. 

The Process

Step 1: Choose between virtual or in person decluttering coaching services

Virtual Decluttering

Picture of Wendy smiling and chatting with someone on the laptop
  • 12 week declutter program offering step-by-step judgment-free guidance for targeted areas of your home. Offered Virtually. We will meet on Zoom.

  • $597 or 3 installments of $199.

  • We will meet weekly at a mutually agreed upon time.

  • You’ll get customized downloadable action plans to help keep you on track. Step by step. One space at a time.

  • Make it stick. In our last session, we will review your spaces and make final adjustments. We will review tips & tricks to help you maintain Your Simplified Home - Your Way!

  • There is a 10% military discount available for new clients.

  • I work with special needs adults. I specialize in helping those who need a little extra support for success. Are you younger than 18? See my Children with Special Needs page

In Person Decluttering

Picture of Wendy and a client decluttering side by side
  • 12 week declutter program offering step-by-step judgment-free guidance for targeted areas of your home. Offered IN PERSON.

  • $2100 or 6 installments of $350

  • Customizable based on your schedule and needs.

  • Customized Action Plans to keep you on track between sessions and beyond.

  • Make it stick. In our last session, we will review your spaces and make final adjustments. We will review tips & tricks to help you maintain Your Simplified Home - Your Way!

  • There is a 10% military discount available for new clients.

  • I work with special needs adults. I specialize in helping those who need a little extra support for success. Are you younger than 18? See my Children with Special Needs page

Step 2: Book Your free 20 minute consultation call

A blue arrow pointing down to the area that says Schedule Your FREE Zoom Consultation

In Just 90 Days, Experience …


As you go through your house looking at how beautiful and decluttered it is.

Woman donating unwanting items and being excited at her beautiful and decluttered home

Accomplishment & Pride

Knowing you’ve created a system

you can maintain moving forward.

Adult male sitting on his bed adjusting his tie with accomplishment and pride

Confidently In Control

When your home feels calm and

peaceful - instead of chaotic

Woman confidently in control. She is cheering.

Is This Program Right For Me?

The Program IS For You If:

You have special needs and are looking to declutter your home & life 

  1. You need accountability to keep the progress going  ​

  2. You need step-by-step, compassionate judgment-free guidance

  3. You want to learn how to maintain your spaces after they've been decluttered

  4. You are looking for a community of people that get you

This program best serves anyone that identifies as having special needs, such as: ADHD, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), etc. If you're not sure, feel free to reach out so we can chat and see if it's a good fit. 

  1. You’re unwilling to do the work. 

  2. You know you will not take action during the week or when we are on zoom together.

  3. You are going to give into the excuses of why you can’t do the work.

It’s NOT For You If: 

Why Your Simplified Home Works?

(click the arrows to see all the reasons)


    Say goodbye to procrastination and hello to a peaceful clutter free home when you have the accountability and support of someone who understands you and your unique situation.

  • Simple Step by Step Process

    Say goodbye to overwhelm when we break down the declutter process in an easy to follow step by step process. Don’t worry about figuring out “where to start.” We’ll figure it out together. 

  • Just the Right Blend of Understanding, Grace, Motivation & Fun!

    I get you. I’ve been where you are, which is why Your Simplified Home takes the most important part of the equation into account: YOU!  Get ready to take action and have fun accomplishing your goals - all without judgment or embarrassment.


    Decluttering doesn’t have to take years. In just a few sessions, you’ll see progress!

  • Family Oriented (if applicable)

    When you live with other people, they matter too.

    We’ll talk about how you can get the entire family on board with your new clutter free life. 

Testimonials From Other Clients

Don’t let your home suffocate you (video Testimonial):

The Power of Accountability:

Doris Gerwitz wrote a facebook comment that's a screenshot. She loves the accountability I provide.

“Wendy has streamlined my home and my way of life!

As someone who suffers from ADD, it can be debilitating to think of all the things that must be done while trying to do a hundred other things at the same time. Wendy has taught me how to start where I am and has guided those of us in her community with so much respect and dedication. Her classes are worth the investment.

After all, less physical clutter = less mental clutter! If you want someone who will take you by the hand in your decluttering journey and will always have your best interest at heart, she's the coach you never knew you needed!

I am moving houses and have gotten rid of decades worth of stuff -- now, we have a home that doesn't suffocate us. Thank you, Wendy!" - Kitty G.

The difference of Step-by-Step processes:

“Wendy is a miracle worker!! She took our chaotic post-move disaster mess and helped me break it down into manageable areas and categories (stuff to find a spot for, stuff to give away, stuff to toss, etc).

I had been paralyzed by the mess and didn’t know where to begin, and with Wendy’s help we were able to make order out of mayhem and it was completely transformational!!

Love working with Wendy and 100% recommend her services!!” - Nikki C.

“Working with Wendy was awesome! She had a very clear idea of what to do with my space, and was able to clearly show me her plan and helped me make it happen. Thanks to her help, my catastrophe of a basement is now part office, part mancave, part storage, and all toddler-proof! Thanks again, Wendy!” - Renee B.

What happens when you combine the right blend of understanding, grace, & fun with declutter coaching:

Organized chaos" that term is how I (mostly) lovingly refer to my endless to-do lists and piles, the areas that I know exactly what they are but ultimately are in dire need of being decluttered for better use of space. I love the idea of simplicity and efficiency, and yet continue to notice it is like pushing a rock-up-a-hill factor.

I can and have organized. I can maintain once it's systematized. I ADORE the free, expansive feeling when it's tidy. Yet when it’s out of whack and given the recent huge transition in my life, I knew it was time to ask for help & fresh perspective.

Enter Wendy Zanders, even after our first session I was loving her energy & laughter, the ways she "gets" me already and *deep breath* the homework that I know I can accomplish for this week. Throughout the sessions, she met me where I was (even during an emotional heavy point) and guided gently and with grace. She sends super helpful summaries that I will refer back to and as a visual learner really appreciate. I was able to get areas of my own feel more spacious, joyous, and even got my daughter in the groove (all I have to say is “Miss Wendy says...”.) 😄

One organized chaos pile at a time... Thank you Wendy!!” - Brienne H

PROOF that the right Declutter Coach can equal FAST RESULTS:

What an amazing afternoon. Wendy Zanders sure knows her stuff about decluttering, organizing, and prioritizing. In just 4 hours we accomplished so much! For those considering using her service you won't be disappointed. Can't wait to continue getting my life back. Thank you so much Wendy. See you again soon!” - Laura 

I don’t know where to start! 3 hours of working with Wendy today and I feel like I could breath! She took my “just close the door” and helped me turn it into a place where I want to spend time! Thanks Wendy! I highly recommend her for any one who has the “I don’t even know where to start situation!” She truly is a gem! - Bridget B.

The Power of Including Family:

“Wendy is AMAZING!! She has brought so much peace and sanity to our home in just 4 sessions. We are a busy family with apparently no decluttering skills and house shows it. She came in and magic happened!! 

I worked with Wendy on the kitchen, office, master closet, and master bedroom. My favorite part of working with Wendy has been the way she worked with our kids, both with very unique personalities. She was able to get them on board easily with both decluttering and organizing their bedrooms and play space. 

Our entire family is thrilled with the progress and we will continue to schedule time with her to keep things under control”. - Heather O.

You’re probably thinking…

“What if people judge me or my home?”

“What if I fail again?”

“Maybe I should hire a cleaner first.”

“What if it doesn’t help?”

Friend, let me ask you this:

What if you don’t try?

What then?

What if you don’t try? • What then? •

  • Will the packed-like-sardines pantry continue, while you struggle with paralyzing & overwhelming clutter?

    Cluttered pantry
  • Will bags of clutter continue to hide throughout your entire house, while doom boxes are stuffed in corners.

    Cluttered closet
  • Will your home be a source of stress and overwhelm for the rest of your life?

    Lady with her head down and fist in her forehead. Phone and glasses on the table in front of them.

Your Declutter package will be as unique as you are! 

Together, we’ll create your decluttering plan by your priority

Some Spaces We Can Declutter together 🎉:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is this program for?

This program best serves anyone that identifies as having special needs, such as: ADHD, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). If you're not sure, feel free to reach out so we can chat and see if it's a good fit. 

What do I do if I fall behind in the program?

There truly is no falling behind in this program. We will work at your pace so don’t worry about the 90 days. The weeks serve as a guide so I can help you stay accountable.

I am so overwhelmed, do you think I will be able to be successful in this program?

If you join the program and you show up 100%, then I show up 100% for you. In this program, we'll only work on 1 space at a time. We'll break each space down into small, actionable steps. Those small steps will lead to big wins.

I’ve tried something like this in the past. How is this different?

I have created workbooks to help you be successful. We are all on our own journey so go as fast or as slow as you need. I break it down into step by step pieces to avoid squirreling and to help you stay focused.

How fast will I see results?

Even though we are working together for a total of 90 days, you will see results after the 1st space we tackle together. If the space is cluttered, it’s heavy; when it’s decluttered, it will feel light and like a burden has been lifted. 

I don’t have support at home. Will I be able to be successful in this program?

Let’s focus on the spaces that YOU have control over. Is it the kitchen? Your side of the closet? If family members aren’t present when you are working in the space, then we won’t be touching their stuff. If family members are present, I’d love for them to join us and work alongside us.

I’m afraid of judgment over my mess.

I’ve been where you’ve been. My home was a mess when I struggled with depression. I was able to create a process for myself to help me get back on track and I can help you do the same in a compassionate and nonjudgmental environment. If you do not want to share before and after pictures that’s fine. I do encourage everyone to take pictures, even for themselves. You will be amazed at the progress. I truly get you in all of the ways!

We are not a special needs family, can I still work with you? 

Absolutely! My approach can work for everyone looking to simplify their home, mind and life. 

I am so overwhelmed, where should I start?

I have been in that space of overwhelm. A few years ago I fell into depression and I didn’t recognize my home. To dig myself out of overwhelm, I started listing all the spaces that I wanted to tackle and tackled them according to priority. Helping you create that plan will be one of the first lessons I will teach to get you started.

I still have questions about which option is best for me. Can we chat?

Absolutely! Click here to book your FREE 20 minute Zoom consultation

Recently, a client told me “I get more done in 45 minutes with you than I was trying to do all week”.

I want that for you too, my friend.

Wendy working hard to declutter a kids area

You don’t have to struggle through trying to declutter alone.

You don’t have to stay stuck in the mess anymore.

Let me help you and support you as we take your home and life from overwhelmed to simplified in a way that is designed to work for you and your family.

You may have clutter, but clutter doesn’t have you – not when you say yes to Your Simplified Home Program designed to kick your clutter to the curb for good. 

Your Declutter Coach,
Wendy Zanders

How to know if you’re ready for success?

If you’re ready to:

🖐 End the cycle of clutter and have a clutter free house you’re proud of
🖐 Declutter your home so you can hire the cleaner to get your home deep cleaned
🖐 Spend your weekends and vacations creating memories with your loved ones

Your Simplified Home can help!